What To Do When Your Agent Isn’t Getting You Out
Happy Tuesday! 2016 is almost here, which means one thing: pilot season. That means it’s time for the auditions to just start rolling in, right? RIGHT?!
Although we’d love to audition all the time, sometimes that isn’t the case. We all go through periods where we don’t audition as often as we’d like, and we can feel a little helpless, so what is there to do? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. This week’s Guru Tips For Actors is about the things you can do to help your agent or manager get you in those audition rooms.
There are only a few weeks of GuruTips left in 2015! Watch the whole Season One of Guru Tips For Actors here and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any tips over the holidays!
Now I want to hear from you! What’s one thing you’re doing to do to help your agent or manager get you out more? Leave a comment below! (plus each comment is an entry to win an exclusive Workshop Guru tote bag!)
Go book those rooms!
December 16, 2015 @ 7:26 am
Great tips indeed.I will add this to my current actons for sure!
I check in with my Agent often and ask her what I can do to increase my chances of getting work.I have also invited her for coffee after the holidays.
December 17, 2015 @ 9:56 am
There are so many things actors can do to help themselves be ready for the next opportunity that comes their way. Many actors are guilty of not treating the actor/agent relationship as a team effort, and expecting the agent to do the bulk of the work, when really it’s up to them!
It’s so true that communicating and building relationships is key to building momentum and getting out of a phase. I find that being helpful without the expectation of reciprocity is a great way to make a new and lasting relationship.
Excellent tips! 🙂