How To Take A Smart Actor Vacation | #SummerSeries Vol. 1
Hello actors! If you’re like me, then now that it’s Summer, you are READY for a vacation. But we’re actors… so we don’t take vacations, right?
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. We’re people first, meaning we do deserve a vacation just like everybody else, but we should just make sure we’re taking smart vacations. While the industry doesn’t shut down like it used to in the summer anymore, it does slow down, meaning you have the opportunity to: A. Take a vacation! and B. Stay in town and take advantage of the fact there are fewer actors in town.
Okay, so, what do I mean by a “smart” vacation?
I mean going and enjoying yourself in your time off, but also preparing and readying yourself for the upcoming episodic season once the industry is back into full swing. And this week I’m giving you some of my own personal favorite tips to doing just that.
This is part one of our #SummerSeries on Guru Tips For Actors, so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss next week’s Summer Marketing Reboot!
Here are the links to the two books I mention in the video:
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
The Road to Character by David Brooks
Now it’s your turn! What are you doing on your next smart vacation? Leave your answer in the comment below and enter to win an exclusive Workshop Guru prize!
And I know that you have lots of questions, so I want to make it easy for you to get them answered. Do you have a burning question that you want me to answer in Guru Tips For Actors? Email us your questions and we’ll address it in a future #GuruTips episode!
Enjoy the sun! 🙂
July 13, 2016 @ 5:43 am
good tips and inspiration! There is no break for me really. I need to keep moving on ward and up ward here.