Why It’s Okay To Be Uncomfortable As An Actor
Do you want to know something kind of wild?
Our most difficult moments are the ones when we’re most human.
When we’re feeling alone, overwhelmed, and unsure, we’re often convinced no one can relate to us. When it is really the opposite.
I saw this firsthand during a coaching call for The Table. A member came to me with a serious case of self-doubt.
And like, wow. Relatable.
Then it hit me: we’re not comfortable being uncomfortable.
As artists, we’ve strapped on in for a wild ride in the unknown. I think it is CRUCIAL that we offer ourselves grace in moments of uncertainty (AKA growth).
So…want to know exactly what I told her? Watch it in this week’s GuruTips right here. ⬇⬇⬇
Now I want to hear from you. Comment below, and let me know how you’re showing yourself grace this week!
September 7, 2021 @ 1:08 pm
Thanks for the Encouragement. For me, it seems like it’s taking FOREVER for my career to take off and I’ve been doing this for quite a number of years now. I realize that I’m entering in to this Acting Career at a very late age and so this causes me to become anxious for BOOKINGS at time. I get it! LOL
Thanks Again!
September 7, 2021 @ 9:24 pm
I gave myself permission to stay home and chill this past weekend. It felt great not dealing with traffic.
March 30, 2022 @ 5:02 pm
Thanks for this tip. Sometimes I feel as if I’m not doing enough and then other times I feel like I’m doing too much and not always the right thing. I just have to let go and know that I’m come this far for a reason. I need to rest and just take some time to enjoy my beautiful apartment and all of the things that I’ve accomplished in my life with very little $$.
We must keep in mind that whatever we are going through someone else has gone through it and made it out smelling like a fresh beautiful rose. If it happen to them it can happen to us. Thanks for all that you do and wish you and your team the best!