The Power of Morning Pages
This week on Guru Tips For Actors, I wanted to share part of a journey I’m going on with a group of friends called The Artist’s Way.
And from this I want to share an exercise that I love, that I think will really help you as well: Morning Pages. Have you ever had way too many thoughts in your head, or even a fogginess when you first wake up? I want to help you clear that fog and get focused first thing in the morning, so you can begin your day as productive and energized as possible.
Okay so, what exactly ARE morning pages? Morning pages are a few minutes in the morning of uninterrupted consciousness, that gets all those thoughts you have stirring around, out of your mind, so you can spend your energy focusing on more important tasks. There isn’t a right or a wrong way to do this, so don’t worry about what you write down. Doing the pages is all that matters. You might even discover some new things about yourself along the way.
This is from the book The Artist’s Way. I’m doing it, my friends are doing it, and you should too! Get Julia Cameron’s book on Amazon here.
Now I want to hear from you. Is there something you’ve learned through doing these morning pages? Or perhaps a creative goal you’ve accomplished? Are you willing to try them? Leave a comment below (plus each comment is an entry to win an exclusive Acting Resource Guru tote bag!)
Now get writing!