In-Person Auditions: It’s Happening.
In the past month, I’ve had slightly more in-person auditions than self-tapes.
I know, at first I was like…..WHAT? Ultimately though, it is exciting to be in the room again and see some familiar faces. I also believe the room is such a special place to build relationships and let our light really shine, so we need to feel GOOD as we walk in! And now that I have a few post-pandemic appointments under my belt, I want to share some of my top tips for getting back into the room.
1. Get In the Habit of Taking Ownership
We must feel confident and grounded as we walk into an audition room. Part of the beauty of self-tapes is having the control to stop, start over, and tweak until we feel good about what we’ve produced. I don’t believe we have to give away this agency in the room! Remember it is always ok to ask to restart a scene (within reason!), and to take a moment to ground yourself before you begin your performance. Casting wants you to succeed, and will not penalize you for taking a few moments to do so.
2. Get really clear on what you’re comfortable with in terms of safety
While some in-person auditions are back, COVID-19 is obviously still an issue, and safety is still paramount.
Expect to mask up at all times EXCEPT when you’re performing. You may be asked to act, unmasked, with another actor as well, but you ALWAYS have the option of going in alone if you are not comfortable with that. Before the audition requests start rolling in, make sure to get clear on what is right for you and your health and safety.
One studio I visited recently has hand sanitizer in the lobby, and clearly marked seats to help with social distancing. They have installed air purifiers in studios, and they have separate access for pregnant women, women with babies, and the elderly. But ultimately, YOUR safety and comfort is paramount.
That means if you are not comfortable auditioning (or being on set) in person, it’s okay to decline. If you are not feeling well, DEFINITELY decline without fear of pissing someone off. It’s better to get clear on your boundaries beforehand so you can navigate the room confidently, and with your integrity intact.
3. In-person audition rituals.
We love a solid audition ritual at The Table. I believe audition rituals can be what set apart good auditions from stellar auditions. It is a time to completely sink into your instinct and own your artistry. Now that some auditions are in-person, it is a great time to revisit your audition ritual and see if any adjustments need to be made now that you won’t be auditioning at your house. When I go to appointments IRL, I arrive at the studio or lot early, I sit in my car (don’t enter early because of COVID), and I center myself with my artist’s invocation. After that quiet time, I then allow myself to embody the role I am about to bring to life..
4. Be careful with booking out
Unfortunately, I’m giving this tip because I experienced an epic book out fail. Learn from my mistakes. 😆
I went out of town Friday-Sunday. I was leaving on Thursday night and totally thought my mobile self-tape kit would take care of any last-minute tape requests that came in that weekend. Cut to the plane landing Thursday night and I have a voicemail from my reps that the next day I had an in-person callback AND another audition. Yeah, bummer is an understatement. Luckily, my reps know I am usually completely on top of my schedule so they were able to help me out, but it wasn’t a fun phone call. Basically, we’re back to booking out for everything now. It is always better to be safe than sorry.
That’s what I have for you! I hope you’re feeling abundant this episodic season. Remember: the seeds you’re planting will soon bear some delicious fruit. I can feel it for you. Comment some of your favorite in-person audition tips so we can all succeed together!
Talk soon,
September 14, 2021 @ 12:13 pm
Love the in-person audition tips! SOOOooo important! Leigh Kennicott