I don’t need to tell you this, of course, but our world is currently experiencing such an intense phenomenon right now.
And of course we, as artists, feel it… The empathy and self-awareness that we must cultivate in order to be good actors means that we may be feeling it more than most.
I did a Facebook live yesterday where I discussed how imperative it is that we care for ourselves and others during this time, and what we can do to perhaps make the most of it.
Click here to watch.
Not only are we feeling the effects of this pandemic in our emotions and nervous systems… but also in our wallets and future paychecks.
IndieWire is compiling and constantly updating a list of closures in the entertainment industry – you can find that here.
Quite simply – this is nuts.
Actors who were so ecstatic to book commercials and pilots shooting in the next couple weeks are all of a sudden not working.
Broadway is shut down.
Actors who have jobs in the travel and hospitality industries have seen their incomes dry up for the foreseeable future.
All of this would be a lot to deal with even if there wasn’t a life-threatening illness ravaging the world.
So here we are.
I implore you to be kind to yourself, connect with resources, and let’s get through this together.
One of our ARG Pro members shared this link to resources for workers affected by COVID-19 from the California Employment Development Department. Find the applicable policies for your state or region, and get help when you can.
I will be connecting regularly with our community in the Actors Who Get It Facebook group. Please check in there. With social isolation to prevent the spread, this can feel like a physically lonely time, but we can stay connected virtually!
I saw this image in another Facebook community I am a part of, and I love the message of making the best of an extremely difficult situation in order to not make it worse for ourselves.
I hope it is helpful for you in some small way as we try to control what we can control. And I do believe we can control our feelings.
I’m sending my best wishes for calm and good health to you and all of your loved ones. See you soon.
Ajarae Coleman | Acting Resource Guru Founder
P.S. I find that mainstream media is not the best for my nervous system, yet we need to stay informed. If you can relate, I recommend checking out the podcast, Coronavirus Daily Briefing. I think he does a great job of summarizing news sources from around the world, citing sources, debunking myths, and staying non-political. The show notes are very extensive as well for finding more information and digging deeper when you want to.