Self-Actualization in Hollywood
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you had a chance to celebrate the start of 2019 with family and friends! It may only be the first of the year, but we are starting off strong!
This Sunday, I had the pleasure of joining Dr Harold Gluss on his podcast and radio show, Engaging Minds, to discuss Self-Actualization in Hollywood and how you can achieve your new years resolutions this year!
Are you ready to achieve your actors new years resolution this year? Join me as I chat with @DrGluss on his podcast Engaging Minds to discuss self-actualization in Hollywood! via @ActResourceGuru @Ajarae! #ActorsLife #NewYearsResolution #Share
I hope you enjoy this content! And if you have your new years resolution planned, share it in the comments below! Let’s keep each other accountable in 2019! 🙂
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