Start Watching Commercials!
Raise your hand if you mostly (or entirely) watch TV via streaming? 🙋
Now raise your hand if you pay those extra couple bucks a month to have no commercials? 🙋🙋🙋
I get it. I’m all about that #NoCommercialPlan life, but let’s be real. As an actress, especially as an actress who auditions for commercials, I NEED to be watching commercials! You wouldn’t expect a Broadway actress not to go to the theatre, so why do we think it’s different with commercial work?
This week I break down exactly why you should watch those commercials, and how doing so can help you book more work!
If booking a commercial is one of your 2018 goals there is one thing you need to do: START WATCHING COMMERCIALS! Learn why (and how it can help you book more work) with these tips from @ActResourceGuru @Ajarae! #ActorsLife #CommercialWork #Share
I know commercials can sometimes be a little annoying, but when you change the way you watch, you might find them more interesting than you originally thought! Pro tip: Imagine what the actor or actress had to do in their audition and callback, and I guarantee you’ll be entertained.
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