How To Research Your Pilot Audition | #PilotSeasonSeries Vol. 2
Happy Tuesday! How is your pilot season going so far? We’re super excited to bring you Volume 2 of our #PilotSeasonSeries. Last week we began with how to prepare for pilot season, and today we go over how to research your pilot audition. Auditioning for pilots can be similar to episodic auditions – you need to know the tone, the pace, the characters and their relationships… but wait… how can you know that when the show doesn’t even exist yet?
This is where today’s #GuruTips comes in. Don’t worry, I break it down for you and make it super easy to understand.
I also wanted to make sure you’ve RSVP’d for our teleseminar THIS Thursday at 1 PM PST / 4 PM EST. I’ll be going over exactly how you can avoid making the most common mistakes actors can make in workshops and how to use workshops to your advantage to forge the relationships that you need.
Let’s make this year the most prosperous one yet, and grab your spot on this free call here. I’m even throwing in a free bonus, 5 Money-Saving Workshop Strategies, just for signing up. And don’t worry if you can’t make the live call, we’ll send you a full recording immediately after.
It’s completely free, so be sure to grab your spot here! And be sure to spread the wealth by sharing it with your friends on Twitter!
Now I want to hear from you! What are you doing to prepare for this year’s Pilot Season? Leave a comment below! (plus each comment is an entry to win an exclusive Workshop Guru prizes!)
P.S. To wrap up Guru Tips Tuesday 2015 we wanted to share some of the funniest bloopers and outtakes we had while filming. Don’t worry, it’s all in good fun and I enjoyed myself… well… mostly. Check it out and have a laugh!
P.P.S. Here’s the link to sign up for the teleseminar one more time… just in case.
January 12, 2016 @ 5:08 pm
Love your comments you are always so informative & great to look at!
I know this is off subject but there are workshops online & your business that I would love to join.
Everything is pay online & since I have fraud alerts I don’t use online pay. How do I get around that. In the past I paid cash or check.. What is your expert advice
January 18, 2016 @ 11:10 pm
Thank you for the compliments, Angella! You made my day! 🙂
Most workshop business, including ours, only accept credit cards and maybe PayPal. I’d recommend reaching out to any companies directly and asking if you can make special arrangements.
As for us, you can leave us a message at 818-252-9791 and let us know a good time to call. We can set up your subscription over the phone directly. But you will need a credit card. Thanks again!!