Our Favorite Summer #GuruTips!
Happy Tuesday actors! We hope you enjoyed your holiday last week! (#beachday!)
It’s the summer, which is a great opportunity to take that vacation! Buuut it’s also episodic season, which makes it a great opportunity to give your actor materials a revamp before the busy season begins.
To help you with both of these perspectives, I gathered my favorite GuruTips #SummerSeries episodes! From taking a “smart” vacation to giving your marketing a reboot, these are four videos you won’t want to miss! (I even included a special note at the end too, so be sure to scroll to the bottom!)
How To Take A Smart Actor Vacation!
Time For A Summer Marketing Reboot!
How To Make Progress On Your Creative Projects!
Your Summer Health Refresh!
The Summer is here which is perfect for taking that vacay… and getting yourself prepped for episodic season! Check out @ActingResourceGuru @Ajarae’s #SummerSeries and learn tips for both! #ActorsLife #vacation #episodicseason #Share![Click to Tweet This Episode of #GuruTips!](http://clicktotweet.com/img/tweet-graphic-1.png)
PS. I’m including a special invite in our email blast tomorrow, so be make sure you’re on the list. Click here to add your email (and get a free e-book too!) because you do NOT want to miss this invite!
Seriously though – keep an eye on your inbox tomorrow!😏