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A groundbreaking 3-hour goal setting workshop for actors who have the drive and talent but crave deeper alignment with their highest career vision.

Hosted LIVE ON ZOOM by working actress, goal-setting savant, and spiritual junkie, AJARAE COLEMAN.

If you’re searching for a crystal clear map to guide your career, this workshop is for you.

If you want to embody ease and magnetism, this workshop is for you.

If you’re ready to unlock unlimited creative abundance in 2023, this workshop is for you.

If it is finally time to live your damn dream, this workshop is for you.

Your Breakout Year


Conjure a unique roadmap for your specific career goal

You’re unlike anyone else, baby!

Karate-chop your limiting beliefs


Achieve a crystal-clear career vision

Spoiler, it already lives within you.

Broaden your artistic possibilities

You do know that you have limitless potential, right?

Connect with your inner-knowing to guide your career vision

You’re your best source of wisdom, young grasshopper

Immerse yourself in a community of fellow aligned actors

Success is sweeter when it’s shared.

Embody a new frequency of spaciousness and joy

Yeah….an artistic career can be that.

Unearth time you didn’t know you had

AKA reclaiming your time

Discover your dreams are closer and more tangible than you think

It’s all on the other side of a solid plan.

“I appreciate the use of meditation to gain clarity, as well as being able to talk in the break out rooms. Its a great combo of woo and planning!”

– Sharyon Culberson 

“This session is magic! My artist light is lit up and feels supported.”

Emily D’Alerta , The Table member

Your Breakout Year

If you want to call in more success and ease than ever before, you need to widen the lens of what you’re willing to dream.

Lens Aputure GIF
Your Breakout Year

“This session is magic! My artist light is lit up and feels supported.”

– Emily D’Alerta 

Whether you’re clueless about yearly planning:

I don't even have apla

Already overwhelmed by how much you want to accomplish:

There's Nothing We Can't Do

Or somewhere in the middle:

Somewhere in the Middle

You’ll leave this workshop feeling confident, clear, and empowered to have the Breakout Year you’ve always dreamed of.

“You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.”

– Rumi

You might be asking… What does a “Breakout Year” even mean?

I’m so glad you asked .

A Breakout Year is a year where you create NEW RELATIONSHIPS, reach NEW CREATIVE HEIGHTS, and call in NEW LEVELS OF ABUNDANCE.

During the workshop, I’ll walk you through my tried and true plan to set goals in those three areas.

With your plan in place, you’ll leave 2023 with a wider artistic circle, bookings galore, and more. cash. money.

That’s what I mean by a Breakout Year.

Your Breakout Year

“My favorite part was getting clear on my priorities. Go for it. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

– Shirley Jordan 


So who am I?

I’m Ajarae.

I’m a working actor. And like, actually a working actor. That’s how I make most of my money. I want the EGOT just like you do. 

And I get it, bestie. 

I’ve been there.

I used to believe I didn’t deserve an artistic career. It took me years to muster the courage to leave my comfortable corporate life to live my wildest artistic dreams. When I finally made the leap, I had no connections, no knowledge, and no clue what would come next. You’re unlike anyone else, baby!

I used to be overwhelmed by my five day jobs. Literally five. Seriously. They didn’t exactly help me create artistic momentum.

I used to believe I couldn’t balance my career and family life. In the back-breaking hustle, all of the parts of my life that brought me joy were left by the wayside.

I used to throw hours of busywork at my career with no plan. Ultimately, it was time-consuming and really just distracting me from the lack of momentum in my career.

I used to dream inside the box. I didn’t believe I could have easy, abundant career success, so I spent years working harder than I had to.

Your Breakout Year
Ajarae Now


 I am an artistic being with a thriving creative career. 

I have streams of income that fill me both monetarily and spiritually. 

I live a life driven by my values, like taking care of my family. 

My time is treated as a thing of precious value. 

My potential is truly limitless. 

I searched for a solution so you don’t have to.

Your Breakout Year

“I loved the meditation parts. I loved the journaling, especially with music.”

– Alexis Ramos Seda 


You’ve done those. You know how those go.

I’m not some teacher that will stare at you on zoom, talk your ear off, and give you some vague instructions on vision boarding.

I am an actor, too.

I have artistic goals. 

And we’ll spend this workshop crafting our unique plans together. 

I’m here to offer guidance, but really, I’m just going to help you better connect to yourself. To your truth.

You already possess all you need to have Your Breakout Year.

“I love seeing myself being IN my future. This is a fantastic planning session and I love how it starts and is based in emotion and feeling.”

– Nancy Duchaine 

Ready for a transformation?

Watch YBY on demand and plan your year any time!

Before YBY

After YBY

Before & After YBY


Always Sunny Meme


Relaxed Cat


Unsure of Your Next Move


Full of Clarity and Direction


Overwhelmed by What Everyone Else Thinks You Should Do


Creating a Career on Your Terms

“This was such an incredible experience for me! Thank you so much. It really helped me feel hope and excitement for [the year ahead].”

– Rebecca Wing

“I have done listening/envisioning for the next year every year since my mid teens, but this was by far THE BEST I’ve ever done! It was so healing to release the last year before embracing the next year, and connecting to my deepest self to find out what it wanted for the next year. It will be the best decision you ever make to planning out your new year!!!”

– Ashley Tetzlaff

“This is a beautiful way to honor the past year while also looking toward the future from both a goal-setting and emotional perspective. It helps you start to imagine and dream while also attaching a string to those dreams and creating plans to bring them closer to reality.”

– Rebecca Knowles


I’ll guide you through the three steps I personally use to purposefully manifest a thriving acting and entrepreneurial career.

Step 1:


We create a space to celebrate your past WINS.
WHY? You can’t build on success you don’t acknowledge.

We create a feeling for the year.
WHY? Success and contentment are not just achieved, they’re felt.

Step 2:


Dial in on our priorities. And only the most important ones.
WHY? We need to create a vision for ourselves that is exciting and leaves room for REST.

We map so we know how the heck to get there.
WHY? A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Step 3:


We simplify the map.
WHY? Around these parts, we work smarter, not harder.

Bring it all together for a holistic look at your next year.
WHY? We aren’t goal-bots, we’re people. A balanced calendar includes your goals, but also all the life in between. And it’s mostly life.

“I realized this year has gone by so fast. I have to really narrow it down so that I can then be successful and know that I can be successful so that I can then say, ‘Oh, I can be successful at achieving my goals,’ and keep going.”

– April Sugarman 


As soon as you purchase, we’ll send you the training. You’ll have full access to plan your breakthrough for the next six months!

Your Breakout Year

What Does Your Admission Include? 

A COMPLETE PLAN for all four quarters of 2023

A workbook to help you breeze through the lesson with ease

A space of encouragement, non-judgement, and empowerment to help you manifest your highest self

A seat at the three-hour LIVE zoom goal-setting table

Access to the replay so you can revisit the magic as you start your breakthrough year

And guess what? There’s more.

There's More

All ticket holders will receive FREE access to my “Creatively Connect to Casting Directors” Mini-Course.

Your Breakout Year Bundle 2021

In this self-paced course, you’ll learn:

What casting really sees on their side of Actor’s Access

Authentic and empowering marketing

My proven method for reaching out that isn’t about wanting anything

Classy ways to celebrate your wins with casting

How to share your gratitude with casting

And it’s FREE. Because I want to give you all the tools you need to put those goals of yours in motion.

So I bet you’re wondering: what’s the investment? 

We’ll (literally) transform the trajectory of your career for only $247$97.

Mind Blown I Know

Here’s the thing:

I know I could charge hundreds of dollars for this transformation.
I’ve been told I should.

But I’m not interested in hoarding information
that will help my community thrive

I want us all in a (zoom) room together,
cheering on each other to reach new heights.

So what are you waiting for?!

Your Breakout Year

“Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life.”

Lin Manuel Miranda

Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life

Agreed, Lin.

I also believe every year has the
potential to be Your Breakout Year.

Now, you might be feeling resistance.
I get it. Success can be scary.
We can think we aren’t worthy.

Try these mantras:

I’m too disorganized.
I call in clarity, time, and spaciousness.

I’m too broke.
I’m a magnet for wealth. Abundance flows freely to me.

My dreams aren’t realistic.
My dreams are as big as my potential.

The acting business is just too complicated.
I’m supported by my community. Our wisdom is communal.

I don’t know what I want.
I am connected to my inner voice. The answers exist within me.

“My favorite part was the organizing, centering and connecting with yourself. Dreaming big and being excited. I would want it to be even longer than 3 hours because it was beyond useful! Do it. You will feel better after.”

– Ashley Tapia

“I feel like doing the visioning session really calmed me down and got me centered and vulnerable to dig deep into what I want to accomplish in the next year. My favorite part was talking to my wiser self.I thought is was amazing. It was a safe space and Ajarae is pure light. I feel like I made some breakthroughs and learned actionable steps I can take with me into next year.”

– Kisha Barr

“Of the various year-ahead planning sessions I do, this one is focused more on how you want to feel in your goals and life. You’re diving deep into your intuition and allowing that to be your compass as you set goals from that place, which is authentic and rooted in what you truly desire to manifest next, not what you think you should focus on.”

– Rachel McVay

“I loved all of it! It was very calming and centering. Specifically, I really enjoyed the goal setting, brainstorming and quarterly planning process. It gave me so much clarity on what I want to achieve next year with a plan of action. I would say if you’re stuck, lack clarity, and struggling to put together a plan of action for your career and lifestyle goals on your own, then sign up. What do you have to lose?”

– Nekai Johnson Barnwell

“​​I’ve been checking in with my goals each quarter and have accomplished almost all of them, and have made much more progress toward the others than I would have without having a plan! One of my quarter one goals was to submit the short film I made to film festivals, a task that felt daunting as a first-time filmmaker. Not only did I get to check that goal off my list, but my film premiered at an Academy Award qualifying film festival this summer, in one of what is now several festival acceptances!”

– Rebecca Knowles


To claim success, prosperity, and joy in 2023?

“I found honest reflection on the past year very clarifying. Marking an ending makes a new beginning possible.”

– Desiree Baxter

“The visioning session was almost hypnotizing, in a way. I really struggle with focus and getting out of my head. This exercise helped me with tuning in a bit more than I would have on my own.”

– Annelise Kitching

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